Archive for Brahmin

Ancient Yoga exercises are only 120 years old

It took a British author Mark Singleton to nail the lies of Hindutva yoga peddlers. He has clearly proved beyond doubt that the systems of yoga exercises popular all over the world are not more than 120 years and plagiarized from European gymnastics. Yoga was popularized in India and abroad last century by the Iyengari Krishnamacharya (his disciples like Pattabhi Jois and B K S Iyengar), the obese Swami Sivananda (and the hordes of gluttonous greeedy swamis he spawned) and Yogendra (Yoga Institute, Mumbai).

The feudal king of Mysore, Krishnaraja Wodeyar (the fourth) was one of the key figures of the Hindu renaissance. The Wodeyar rulers were dummy rulers who were put into power by the British after the freedom fighter Tippu Sultan was assassinated by the British-Brahmin colonizers. The Wodeyars clan were a bunch of British sycophants whose main function was to loot the rich natural resources of Karnataka for the consumption of the British. The British provided these feudal lords all the protection and throw them some crumbs from their left overs.

The Wodeyars appointed Krishnamacharya as the Physical Training teacher for the palace along with several other European trainers. It is here that the shrewd Iyengari learnt the gymnastic physical postures and cooked up a mystical lineage for this and named it Yoga. It is the second nature of Brahmins to cook up such stories just like their cock and bull Puranas. The upper caste Hindu nationalists took no time in adopting this so called ‘Ancient Exercises’ into their mind cult curriculum in their shakas.

The editor of Dalitnation had many interaction with these yoga Gurus in our school life. In one instance at our high school in Mysore the fat pot bellied Pattabhi Jois once visited for a lecture and told us about the benefits of these ancient exercises supposedly revealed by their rishis. Many of us able bodied strong Dalit students laughed at the silly physical education lessons given by this pot bellied Brahmin. Pattabhi Jois talked about vegetarianism and how due to vegetarianism Brahmins are the most intelligent. At that time as an young boy we stood up and asked him if that were the case why Brahmins have not produced great scientists like Einstien, Newton, Copenicus, Neils Bohr and such. All these fellows were non-vegetarians. Even the so called Brahmin geniuses like Bhaskaracharya, Panini and others were not vegetarians.

We are now watching with glee when modern scholarship debunking all the lies of these Brahmins.

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Rajeev Malhotra: American Manuwadi’s not so different verbal diarrhea

Rajeev Malhotra the billionaire Brahmin businessman from Princeton is the latest darling of Hindutva and Manuwadis. Several Dalit intellectuals have expressed to us that they have been troubled after reading his books ‘Breaking India’ and ‘Being Different’. And some have felt that their whole Dalit worldview is shaken up.

Malhotra has whitewashed all the Brahmin oppression and blamed everything squarely on European colonialism. He has created a mishmash world view called the Dharmic worldview by combining Buddhism, Jainism and Brahminism. How Brahminism fits into this is Malhotra’s great intellectual circus. Brahminical philosophy which is full of all kinds of confusing rituals, yajnas, homas, untouchability, pollution, cow worship is now equated with an ethical and principle centered Buddhism in Malhotra’s fantasy Dharmic philosophy.

Malhotra claims caste system was created by Europeans in the 18th century. If that was the case what were Buddha, Kabir, Basavanna,Eknath and several other revolutionaries complaining about. Malhotra has proved the often repeated statements of the revolutionary thinker V T Rajshekar, Brahmins think only what they want to think.

The editor of Dalit Nation could not help but laugh at the superficial arguments in this book. Malhotra cleverly appropriates all the good principles and ethics from Buddhism and adds it into his fictitious Dharmic worldview. After that he goes on a tirade against Christianity and Islam through a process called purva paksha. Purva Paksha is not some unique Brahmin discovery. Every thinker worth his or her name employ purva paksha which is basically looking into the other’s view points. This can be learnt in any debating 101 classroom.

Malhotra calls Abrahmic religions history centric. Ignorant Malhotra does not realize history centric beliefs abound in his own backyard – yugas, avataras are all history centric beliefs and very central to Brahminism. So are sacred places which are geographic localization of beliefs very central to Brahminism. Even the Brahminical Indian judiciary accepts the reality and historicity of Ram Lalla and that this god was born at a certain place and is the owner of that place.

People like Malhotra should understand that Western universalism is based on rationality and science. This is something Brahmins never ever bothered to understand. Brahmins in India had lost all traces of their own history and it was the British who taught them and gave them the Hindu Identity. All that Brahmins were interested was their Mathas, the birth rites, funeral rites, silly festivals, untouchability and twenty course meals. The Theosophical society was the key movement which revived Hinduism. All the Hindu leaders of the last century were products of this either directly or indirectly. Vivekananda their darling prophet was steeped in western universalism and he appropriated these values into Hinduism. He even gave a philosophical framework to the ramblings of his illiterate schizophrenic homosexual guru Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. The Ramakrishna Mission, Bramho Samaj and Arya Samaj were all based on principles of western universalism.

The principles of social justice and democracy is an unknown and difficult concept to Brahmins. All that Brahmins of yore did was praise the King, ‘Rajan’ to provide them the goodies. In turn they fooled people into believing that they can control nature and bring in rains and prosperity through their hocus-pocus mantras and yajnas. Sycophants can never be revolutionaries or bring in revolutionary ideas. The result of all the Brahmin philosophy is the oppressive feudal caste system. It is there for all to see.

Malhotra’s Brahmin mind finds it very difficult to comprehend Jesus or Muhammad. Both of them were revolutionaries who fought for social justice and stood by the oppressed simple people. They fought against the status quo. All of Jesus’s disciples were simple fishermen and laborers. So was Muhammad’s. They treated the lowest of the low as equals. Jesus dined and wined with prostitutes and lepers. How can Brahmins who live in a worldview of untouchability and pollution understand this. Similarly Buddha’s teaching was open to all and not confined to any jati, dharma or gotra. He taught and converted murderers like Angulimala and prostitutes like Amrapali. There is not one Brahmin hero who fought for social justice. That’s the reason Ambedkar wondered why Brahmins could never give birth to a Rousseau or Voltaire.

You can see all the manifestations of Brahmin beliefs in Modern day gurus who suck up to businessmen and money. These gurus like Mahesh Yogi, Ravishankar, Asaram Bapu, Ramdev, Nithayananda and several other bearded buffoons have only one love and that is money. They are pimps who take money from the rich and teach them breathing and yoga to relax and live in opulence and without guilt. They even have the temerity to quote the Buddha who left the palace to live as a mendicant. All that they are interested in is to provide the counter-revolutionary opium to the stupid masses. The upper caste Hindus lick the feet of these gurus and drink the water used for washing the feet of these dirty crooks.

It is important to heed Babasaheb’s words and throw the garbage called Brahminism and Hinduism out. Malhotra even quotes Ambedkar and never criticizes. He misrepresents Babasaheb as if he stood for all these Brahminic concoctions. At Dalit Nation in Malhotra all we see is a futile attempt of a Brahmin trying to white wash the oppression and exploitation done in the name of Dharma. Any semblance of civilization that is in India is as a result of democracy, socialism and human rights and all these unfortunately for Malhotra are predominantly western ideas. Left to themselves the Brahmins could only create a feudal oppressive casteist society. The Brahmin worldview has very little to offer in terms of freedom and justice especially now that they have co-opted with the international banking and capitalistic machinery. Brahminism can only create ostrich like insight and they can keep chanting their Vishnu Sahasranama and Lalitha Sahasranama while the injustice and exploitation continues.

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NCERT Textbook Cartoon – Manuvadi last straw

Manuvadis are clutching to the last straw. What else can they do when Dalits have become assertive and challenging their hegemony. They have introduced a cartoon in NCERT textbooks in 2006 with chacha Nehru whipping Ambedkar to complete the Constitution faster.

The cartoon in the first place is simply irrelevant to the topic at hand. But when have the Purana spinning Manuvadis done anything relevant. Chachaji probably thinks the Constitution is a Purana or some such silly cock and bull Shastra or Agama or Darshana of Brahmins. You can write all these stuff without much thinking and all you need is to put in the intent of oppression. That’s how the Brahmins wrote them after injesting copious quantities of Soma juice.
Several people have been writing and contacting Dalitnation to write against this stupid cartoon. At Dalitnation we were silent because we can only laugh at these people. We know their strategy and we know their desperation.

Babasaheb was an original thinker unlike the mantra chanting phonies. He was in spirit a researcher and would not write or put anything without putting enough substance. To create a constitution for india to replace manu dharma shastra is no small acheivement that too in three years. If only Chachaji had known what revolution Ambedkar was heralding he would have put his whip down and even stopped the the constitution. But Babasaheb made fools of Chachaji and Manuvadi coterie. Manuvadis are still regretting the decision of bania Gandhi to get Ambedkar to write the constitution. Gandhi and his gang thought that Babasaheb will turn into a servile Babu like some of their Brahmin civil servants. But what a genius did Babasaheb turned out to be.

Dalitnation salutes the father of modern India Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar.
Jai Bhim

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Post-Hindu India – What’s Gone Wrong

A few years ago the revolutionary thinker Professor Kancha Ilaiah proposed that we are going to be in a post-Hindu India from 2010. Dalits including ourselves had gotten into a celebratory mode on Prof Kancha’s forecast. We have been waiting for this post-Hindu world since hundreds of years. We are waiting for our chains to be broken and the ugly caste system dismantled.

At Dalitnation we have been researching and reviewing this with several of our friends who are social and political scientists, media personnel, social psychologists and literary luminaries. What we get is a bleak picture of the collective Dalit behavior and with this the post-Hindu India will never be a reality.

The regional TV channels, movies and newspapers all promote a Brahminical worldview which the Dalit people have internalized. There are programs on Astrology, Vastu, Ayurveda and Brahmin Classical music which educated Dalit people have taken to themselves as their culture. Our people in hordes go to pilgrimage to Tirupati, Vaishnavo Devi, Mantralaya, Sabri-Malai, Shiridi Sai Baba and other Hindu holy places. Brahmins have even appropriated the Ganja Smoking Muslim fakir Sai Baba into the Brahminical fold. Vedas are recited in Shirdi as a form of puja by Brahmin priests who control the whole of the economy in this pilgrim city. The wily Brahmins have been doing their usual tricks and opened up these places for Dalits to visit. Dalits now do Puja to placate planets and remove their so called negative effects. The Brahmin priests are having a field day and their business is booming more than ever before. Earlier only their jatwallahs used to do this. Now they have Dalits getting their services and paying for it. We know several educated Dalit IAS officers and scientists doing homa, havans and visiting temples for their promotion. Many of these neo-rich dalits practice yoga and meditation and have no revolutionary spirit left in them. The poorer people are all influenced by TV and media and watch patriarchal soap operas like the ones created by Balaji Telefilms. All this makes us sad.

Is this what Babasaheb wanted us to do. What happened to the conversion to Buddhism. What happened to Buddha and his Dhamma of rationality and equality. Why are our brethren sucked into the superstition of Brahminism. We have seen Navayana Buddhists worshiping the violent Hindu gods and goddesses like Vishnu, Shiva, Laksmi and Kali alongside the Buddha and not seeing the obvious contradiction. We see even Dalit laborers having pictures of the elephant Ganesha and the servant monkey god of slaves Hanuman. Dalits do house warming and marriage ceremonies the Brahminical way. What happened to the ten vows that Babasaheb gave us.

This is a warning to all the Dalits. Unless Dalits wake up and fight this monster of Brahminism there will be no reprieve for them from the slavery of the caste system. We should throw the whole of BRahminism in the gutter – lock, stock and barrel, baby with the bathwater.

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Beef Food Festival Makes the Grass Eating Manuvadis Shiver

In April this year, the enterprising Dalits of Osmania University organized the Beef Food Festival. At Dalitnation we have been at the forefront of promoting beef, the food of our toiling Dalit brethren. Our inspiration VTR and Kancha Ilaiah have been working tirelessly to challenge the food imperialism imposed by the Hindutva criminals. What VTR, Kancha and we had written have been theory and conceptual. It took the Dalit youths of Hyderabad to  implement this and send shivers down the spines of the grass eating Brahmins and Banias represented by fascist organizations like ABVP. It is the beginning of a revolution. 

Beef is the food of Dalits. Our hardworking and working class people need the proteins. The leisure class Brahmins and Banias want to deny our basic food rights. They talk of their Gomata whom they worship. They want us to just like themselves drink the piss and eat the dung of Gomata. We have given a strong blow to the food imperialism by the beef festival and more of such things are going to follow.

The editor of Dalit Nation participated in the Beef festival and partook the delicious Beef biryani served. Each delicious morsel we ate was a body blow to the regressive Vedic culture and Brahminism. The day is not far away when the grass eating Brahmins will also start eating Beef just like their Vedic ancestors did.

We were lucky to hear great leaders like Kancha Ilaiah and the enchanting Dalit poet Ms. Meena Kandasamy at the revolutionary festival. At Dalit Nation we have been following this young lady and how she has blossomed into the great crusader that she is now. Her revolutionary poems have inspired Dalit women and men. The way she walked out of her abusive marriage with a sexually perverted Dalit Christian Communist showed her immense courage. Manuwadis and even so called Feminists swore at her when she walked off the sexually abusive relationship. They called her names and called her an attention seeking whore. But the brave Ms Meena never relented and is now the role model of all women who have been abused in their marriage by sexual perverts. This is also a message for all Dalit men that they cannot take the women for granted specially when they have inspirational role models like Ms Meena. We wish her well and wish that she continues to inspire Dalits with her revolutionary poetry which has the potential to smash Brahminism and Male Patriarcy.

We are also great admirers of her mother, Vasantha Kandasamy who is an illustrious professor of Mathematics and has fought vehemently against the Brahmin domination in the IIT Agraharam. Her landmark book on the problem of untouchability which is based on empirical mathematical framework is pure genius. She has smashed the citadels of Manuwadi worldview using Mathematics. She has used Fuzzy and Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps to analyze the views of the revolutionary Periyar E. V. Ramasamy. This is the power of Beef which Brahmins cannot understand. When the book was released the grass eating vegetarian Brahmins in IIT were dumbstruck by the sheer brilliance of the thesis. Their limited and bigoted minds could not comprehend the magnitude of her theories. This kind of research should have been given a Nobel prize but unfortunately the Chennai Brahmins began a conspiracy in the scientific community of India and has termed Vasanatha Kandasamy as a nutcase peddling in bogus theories. This is the fate of Dalit geniuses. We at Dalitnation stand by the Kandasamy daughter and mother duo and we want to assure them that they are not alone in battling the hydra headed Brahminical monster.

Jai Bhim

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300 Ramayanas – Dalits dont need any of those

A K Ramanujam, iyengari brahmin from mysore wrote an essay about the 300 different versions of the ramayana. He proved to the world that the brahmin ramayana of valmiki is not the only version. There are several other versions including some oral narratives of tribes who are dalits. The manuwadis are now concerned becauses they only want one version of ramayana. A ramayana where rama killed the dalit shambuka, just because he recited the rotten vedas. Manuwadis got the ramayana essay banned from delhi university.
We at dalitnation always say throw ramayana to the dustbin. It is a bunch of castesist trash which is the bane of indian soceity. We should even throw all the 300 different versions of ramayana to the dustbins. Why should students in the university study this casteist text. Make babasaheb’s book ‘riddles in hinduism’ as mandatory reading in university. Down with ramayana including the iyengari’s essay.

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Mayavathi as PM – The Change has arrived

The general elections in India is just a couple of months away. As usual the main upper caste parties Congress and the BJP are blowing their trumpets in their manuwadi media. They are claiming that Rahul Gandhi (Congress) and Advani(BJP) are the prime minsters in waiting. But do they know what is the reality.

None of these parties are going to get a complete mandate. We have to thank the BJP for this. The Congress always represented the upper caste intrests and they used the Bahujan votes to come to power. In a democracy numbers means power. The BJP or the Brahmin Jati Party of Hindu terrorists fractured the Congress mandate by weaning away the upper caste votes from Congress. The BJP used the Ram Janma Bhoomi movement to rope in the Backward Castes. But that movement has died down as the Backward castes have realised that BJP is only intrested in their own Jati and they do not care for the Sudras. And about Dalits they do not even treat them as Humans. The only support BJP has now is from the 15% upper caste dwija vote bank. Even this 15% is fractured to a great extent. The Congress with thier pro upper caste policies have aliented the Bahujans. That is why there are so many regional parties like DMK, PMK,JD(S) and the leftists. All these people have literally killed the congress votebank.

The Manuwadis supporting the Brahmin Jati party has made their biggest mistake. Because now there is no way the BJP can come to power with their old and senile leader L.K.Advani. The butcher of Gujrath, the OBC Narendra Modi has no support outside Gujrath. BJP is just a dying party. Its use is over.

We at Dalit Nation want the Manuwadis to vote for BJP so that the Congress does not get a majority and there is a fractured mandate. And this is what is going to happen. In a fractured mandate our sister the revolutionary Dalit Leader Mayavathi will be the next prime minister of India. Even if the BSP gets forty seats, which is half of the seats in Uttar Pradesh, Mayavathi will come to power in Delhi. The left parties, the regional parties will support the Ambedkarite BSP and we will have the first Dalit Prime Minister of India. This election heralds the beggining of the end of Manuvadi Hindutva. But of course we want Hindutva to continue for some more time because that is how Hindu society will dis-integrate. Because Hindutva means upper caste.
We at Dalit Nation understand the forces of History. Just like we had a Black President in America we are going to have a Black untouchable prime minister of India. The Hindus are trembling and pissing in their pants. But you cannot prevent the forces of History.

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Arvind Adiga – Not White Tiger but the Black Panther

Arvind Adiga, a Brahmin from coastal Karnataka recently got the Booker Prize for his novel ‘White Tiger’. The novel describes the travails of a Dalit man from north India and how he finally triumphs over his slavery to the feudal upper caste and becomes an entrepreneur in the IT city of Bangalore.

Many reviewers have mentioned that the novel represents the struggle of a Dalit Man and his attainment of the ‘Indian Dream’. Several so called Dalit intellectuals got this book to the notice of the editor of Dalit Nation. We finally read the book and tried to put it in perspective within the overall Dalit literature and body of knowledge. What we found in this process was not in consonance with the rest of the reviewers.

The author of ‘White Tiger’ divides India into two – the Light part and the Dark part. The land of darkness is the cow belt states of North India – UP, Bihar, MP. The land of light are the states of the south especially cities like Bangalore and Hyderabad. This is the basic flaw of the novel. The author has assumed that caste equations are predominant in the northern Indian villages and the southern cities are lands of milk and honey where free will and thereby entrepreneurs can thrive. In the northern villages the destiny of Dalit men are fixed and irrevocable. The Dalits are born in such squalor where the parents forget to name their children. They finally end up as the servant, cleaners and car drivers of the upper feudal caste.

The basic problem with this premise is that it gives a clean chit to the southern cities. The editor of Dalit Nation has lived in Indian metropolitan cities and is well aware of the deeply entrenched casteism in these cities. The IT industry in Bangalore is no haven of equality (Read our article – Dalits must agitate for reservation in private sector). We have proved this time and again that the majority of the resources in the cities are appropriated by the upper caste and they control all major business and administration. But Arvind Adiga finds it the right place for the Dalit hero of the novel to escape and find emancipation.

In the whole book there is no mention of our great leader Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar. There is mention of Gandhi in a disparaging way but nowhere the messiah of Dalits is mentioned. The Brahmin author of this novel has no clue about Dalits and northern India and how much the Dalits venerate Babasaheb. The Brahmin Adiga even fails to mention the term Dalit in the whole of the novel. Dalit is a powerful term and it is through this identity all our oppressed brethren relate to each other. It is a clever ploy of the upper caste writers to avoid such words as Dalit and thereby strip them of our identity.

Babasaheb taught the mantra – ‘educate, organize and agitate’. But this novel does not contain any elements of the Dalit mantra. The Dalit hero, Balaram Halwai is uneducated and there is no effort or striving among his community towards education. They seem to be happy in their illiteracy and their impending destiny of life long slavery. And how does the dalit hero escape from the slavery of the upper castes. He works as a car driver to his American educated feudal lord and finally murders him, steals his money and escapes to Bangalore. What is the message the Dalits should take from this stupid book. That they should murder and steal and that is the only way our for them. What nonsense. Is this what Babasaheb taught them.

Why did not the hero of the novel and his community get educated , organized themselves and agitate against the upper caste people. This is what Babasaheb would have done and this is what he exhorted the Dalits to do all his life. But for the Brahmin Adiga the only way out for a Dalit is to murder, steal and live like a fugitive.

And how does our Balram Halwai gets deliverance in Bangalore. He opens a transportation company for call centres by renting out a few vehicles. Is this the success story of a Dalit. I was anticipating the Dalit hero to become a CEO of a software company. But he again ends up as driver or rather a person who hires many drivers.

Does not Arvind Adiga know that we have a Dalit Chief Minister Mayavathi, does he even know who people like Jagajivan Ram and K.R.Narayanan were. Does he know that Babasaheb had a Phd from Columbia University. He finally made the Dalit hero to become the the scum of the IT industry in Bangalore and he wants us to believe that he has found his salvation there. Babasaheb was a lawyer himself and he did not believe in murder or stealing. He believed in the law and was the first law minister of Independent India. Babasaheb was a socialist and believed that state reform is needed for the emancipation of Dalits. But here the Brahmin Adiga gives us a false hope in free market capitalism. The very same capitalism which fuels feudalism and exploitation is praised by the author. What a shame.

Novels like these should be shunned by Dalits as they deny our heritage and demonize our people. The ‘White Tiger’ is neither empowering nor can it emancipate Dalits. In short it is just a piece of junk written by an upper caste Brahmin. This piece of junk is given some Booker or Hooker prize and the upper caste readers read these kinds of novels thinking that this is the Dalit condition and they can rest in peace. The aim of Dalits is social reform through state legislation and cultural revolution. But how can a shameless pseudo intellectual scumbag Arvind Adiga understand this. All they are interested in is the Hooker prize and international readership. We dalits do not need India to be the ‘White Tiger’ we will convert it into the ‘Black Panther’.

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Mandal Commission, Rajiv Gandhi and the Manuwadi Conspiracy

In India the upper castes Dwijas have denied basic human rights and social opportunity of the Dalits for thousands of years. The inhuman discrimination of Dalits by the Dwijas have no parallel in world history.

In the 19th century it was Mahatma Jyotibhai Phule who awakened the consciousness of Dalits and asked them to fight for their rights. The freedom movement headed by Sanatani Hindus who were primarily Brahmins never bothered about the Dalits. The Indian National congress was headed by Brahmins like Gopal Gokhale and Bal Gangadhar Tilak. All they wanted was freedom from the British so that the minuscule percentage of Brahmins can grab the resources of India. The Dalits had no social voice till Mahatma Phule came into picture.

Chattrapathi Sahuji Maharaj of Kolhapur initiated the Reservation policy in education in Maharastra in 1902. For the first time since thousands of years the Dalits were able to get access to educational institutes. But this was difficult to institutionalize because Manuvadis controlled all the educational institutes. The pygmy Bania Gandhi followed the precedent set by the Brahmin leaders of Congress to uphold the manuwadi interests. When our Dalit Messiah Dr Ambedkar took over the leadership of Dalits he asked for separate electorates for Dalits. The congress Dwijas shivered and started trembling. They set up the pygmy Gandhi to counter Ambedkar. Ambedkar finally had to buckle under the pressure tactics of scoundrel Gandhi and sign the Poona pact. The Dalit rights were once again curtailed by the criminal Manuwadis.

Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar, the greatest Humanist and architect of the Indain constitution incorporated the reservation in education, government jobs and reserved constituencies for SC/ST in the Constitution of India. For the first time Dalits were able to get education and jobs in the Government. Through the reserved constituencies they were able to get elected and go to parliament. However much the Dwijas tried to prevent the Dalits, some of us were able to move up and occupy the jobs in the Government. The educated Dalits in the Government jobs were a major threat to Manuwadi interests. Then came Mandal Commission which gave the Shudra OBCs 27% reservation in Education and Jobs. The ever vigilant Manuwadis now understood that their supremacy is over unless they do something drastic. The Dalits plus Shudra combine would finish them off.

The Brahmins and Dwijas who are only 15% of the population occupied 100% of positions in the institutions. They wanted this to continue and make Dalits to be their slaves forever. In the late 1980s and early 90s the Dalits and the Shudras were waking up. They had become IAS and IPS officers. They had become engineers and doctors. How could the evil Manuwadis stand this.

They created the Ram Janmabhoomi movement out of sheer desperation. They wanted the masses in India, the Dalits to attack the Muslims so that Dalits and Shudras will forget about their reservations and rights. The Mandal Commission was such a big blow on the Manuwadis that they have still not recovered from it.

The wily Brahmin Narasimha Rao of the Congress Party was commissioned by the Manuwadis to crush the uprising of Dalits and Shudras. The first task was to remove Prime Minister V.P.Singh from his position. V.P. Singh, a friend of the Dalits and Bahujans was instrumental in implementing the Mandal Commission. He was once a darling of Manuwadi Media headed by Ramnath Goenka and his right hand man Arun Shourie. The same media now demonized V.P. Singh. They set up some idiotic upper caste students to protest against him. But V.P. Singhwas growing in strength and proved to be stronger than ever. The only way to remove V.P. Singh was to get the Manuwadi Brahmins back in power. The coalition Government of V.P. Singh was toppled by the BJP and some Brahmin socialists. They installed Chandrashekar a Manuwadi puppet as the Prime Minister for the next six months. During this time they worked on a sinster plan.

Rajiv Gandhi who was opposed by V.P. Singh was also waking up to the Manuwadi conspiracy. Rajiv had the support of muslims and had a national presence. Having married Sonia Gandhi he began to understand the humanism of the Christian religion as opposed to the inhuman Manudharma of his Kashmiri Pandit lineage. It was during this time that the shrewd Narasimha Rao, his criminal arms dealer guru Chandraswami and the prime minister Chandrashekar hatched the conspiracy to kill Rajiv Gandhi. The paln was to kill Rajiv so that the Congress can come to power through the sympathy wave. 

Narasimha Rao contacted his Zionist allies in Israel. The Mossad was commisioned to kill Rajiv Gandhi. But clever are the ways in which the Zionists and Manuwadis work. They got hold of the Dravidian LTTEand fixed a deal with them in Geneva to kill Rajiv Gandhi. Rajiv Gandhi was even warned of the Brahmin-Zionist conspiracy to kill him by Yaser Arafat and the European Council. But the young and progressive Rajeev did not take it seriously and was assassinated at the altar of Manuwadis. He was a scarifice (Bali pashu) in the Homa of Brahmins. The Brahmins have a term for this called Naramedha Yajna. They sacrificed one of their Brahmin boys to protect the intrests of Manuwadis.

P.V. Narasimha Rao became the Prime Minister after congress won the election following the sympathy wave from RajivGandhi’s death.  Through globalization and privatization the government machinery was reduced. The empowerment Dalits got through the reservations in education and jobs in government institutions was reduced in Scale because of the shrinking government machinery. The power structures were realigned to protect the intrests of the Manuwadis. The Vaidiks consider Rao as their best Brahmin Prime Minister even better than their pet boy Vajpayee as he destroyed  socialism of Babasaheb’s constitution.

But Dalits the toiling masses of India had woken up through reservation and political power. Still oppressed but no longer could the vaidiks hold the Dalits as slaves as they had done successfully since thousands of years. The awakened Dalits and OBCs have created a new political structure in India. Mulayam, Laloo and Mayavathi are a result of this.  Even the Manuwadi parties like BJP have to appoint OBCs like Kalyan Singh, Nitish Kumar and Narendra Modi to come to power.  

The Manuwadis are now trying all their best to snoop and destroy the Dalit awakening. We at Dalit Nation will expose every deception and trick of Manuwadis so that Dalits will be always careful.

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Brahmin Deception through Dalai Lama

The Manuwadi Hindus destroyed Buddhism in its own land of birth. While Buddhism is widely spread across Asia, it had lost all traces in the land of its birth. Buddha was the greatest emancipator of Dalit Bahujans in India. He was the biggest challenger to manuwadis till Babasaheb came into picture. But the most cunning race on earth, the Brahmins infiltrated Buddhism and destroyed it in India. Adi Shankaracharya, the wily Brahmin pygmy priest destroyed Buddhism with the help of kings like Pushyamitra Sunga. The Brahmins destroyed the Buddha Viharas and converted the Buddhist Idols into Hindu gods. They made the great humanist Buddha into the ninth avatar of the inhuman Vishnu. The Brahmins are excellent fiction writers and their fictions are called Puranas. They have enslaved the people of India using these fictions.

What was once a humanitarian Buddhist country became the inhuman casteist India. It was as a result of Babasaheb that Buddhism was revived in India. The Dalit Bahujans got back their original religion. Babasaheb knew the cunning and scheming Brahmin minds very well and he wrote the ‘Buddha and his Dharma’, the greatest book of Buddhism ever written. In this book Babasaheb removed all the corruption introduced in the teachings of the Buddha by the Brahmin priests. The Brahminical karma and reincarnation theories were completely debunked by Babasaheb. Buddha was the original and the world’s foremost rationalist.

In the 1900’s there were even Brahmin Buddhist scholars like the Sarswat Brahmin Dharmanand Kosambi, father of D.D. Kosambi the intellectual leader of all Indian Marxists who are all decpective and disgised Brahmins. The Brahmins have a tradition called ‘Purva Paksha’, that is study the enemy well before attacking. These pseudo Buddhists like Kosambi are the people who studied Buddhism so that Brahmins can strategize against the enemies.  Babasaheb who understood the filthy Brahmin mind  and strategies more than anyone else, had studied Buddhism for twenty years before converting to the religion at the historic Nagpur ceremony in 1956. The Brahmins as usual had an eye on this conversion. They sniffed this threat.

At the same time as Babasaheb converted to Buddhism the Tibetian tyrant Dalai Lama was being kicked out by the Chinese. The Chinese were in the process of liberating the Tibetians from the tyranny of the monkhood of the corrupt lotus eating Lamas, which is no different from the Brahmin religious institutions of Shankaracharaya, Swami Narayana or the Veershaivas. The only difference is in the rituals and these monks do not even understand the basics of the Buddha’s teaching which is Humanistic Rationalism. The monks had exploited the toiling Tibetian masses, the dalits of Tibet for centuries through the rule of Dalai Lama and the corrupt regents. The Dalai Lama finally bundled his loot and transferred his money to Swiss banks and escaped to India with the help of the Brahmin Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the first prime minister of India . The Hindu Brahmins were waiting in 1959 at the Indo-Tibet border to welcome Dalai Lama. Nehru’s trusted friend the playboy prince of Oundh, Apa Panth was incharge of this operation.

The Dalai Lama was recognized by all the major Brahmins in India as a great religious leader. No wonder Dalai Lama has no problem sharing the podium with the Brahmin leaders. These Tibetian  lamas and Hindu Gurus worked together to counter the Ambedkar Buddhists. Dalai Lama has refused to associate himself with Navayana Buddhism of Ambedkar because his whole superstitious worldview and serfdom will collapse. Now Dalai Lama is featured in playboy magazines with Hollywood stars. He has a huge collection of gold watches and jewelry. He has brought huge tracts of land in France and has funded grape farming for the local wineries in Europe. He is no friend of the Dalits but a Brahmin stooge who visits all brahmin ashrams like Ramanashram, Osho Commune or Kanchi Kamakoti peetam or the art of decieving guru Sri Sri Ravishankar.

Dalits have to be very clear about deceptive Buddhists who infact are Brahminical agents thrusting the Manuwadi agenda. Our guide and beacon of light is Babasaheb Ambedkar and his great body of work. Dalits deviating from Ambedkar’s buddhism will pay the price and come under the yoke of Brahminical castesim. Our Dalit brethren should learn the lessons from history and not commit the same mistakes which resulted in our slavery in this inhuman manuwadi system. Through Dalit Nation we will continue to expose the Brahmins in the guise of Buddhists.

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