Archive for Christians

O Dalits Wake up

Our Inspiration V.T.Rajashekar, the greatest living intellectual in India and the greatest intellectual in India after Buddha and Ambedkar gave a moving speech in Mysore University on the death anniversary of Babasaheb. We were not able to attend this meeting as we were travelling in China. But many of our dalit intellectuals were extremely moved by this great speech. Below are some snippets from this great speech titled – ‘The Crisis in Dalit Movement’.

VTR mentioned that Ambedkar is father of India while Gandhi is just father of nation. And Gandhi’s nation is just upper caste nation consisting of 15% population. But Babasaheb is the father of SC/ST/BCs and Christian/Sikh/Muslims plus Hindus, he naturally becomes the father of all the seven principal “nations” living in India — automatically becoming the “Father of India”.

Why are the Dalits still going to Hindu temples and praying for Hindu gods. Don’t they see how the Brahmins are crushing us. Convert yourselves to Buddhism. Of course true buddhism of Babasaheb and not the brahminical Buddhism which teaches meditation. We have many members from dalit families who go to all these temples like Tirupathi, Dharmasthala and Vaishnavo Devi. These people are killing babasaheb and his work. They will remain slaves always. We converted to Buddhism many years ago but now this fat pot bellied bania called goenka and the zionist controlled Dalai lama are preaching and controlling the Dalit Buddhists by teaching them Brahminism and Vipassna Meditation in the name of Buddhism. The Buddha asked the dalits to wake up and crush the Hindus. VTR spoke about this in great detail.

Babasaheb said “Untouchables are not Hindu and were never Hindu”. Did he not say that? How many dalits can touch your heart and confess that you are not Hindu? You have Hindu names, you worship Hindu gods, you go to Hindu temple, you observe Hindu festivals. Yes, you are Hindu.

Babasaheb asked us to quit Hinduism and embrace Budhism. Did we do it?  When I was born I was a Hindu but later I kicked this gutter stuff.

At that time we had many revolutionary movements in the country. Several of our Dalit leaders like Siddiah and Joseph Dsouza of Dalit freedom Network have embraced christianity atleast they are better now. How many dalits still feel they are Hindus. Shame on them. 

What about the reservations? Have we have been able to fight and force the govt. to implement the constitutional reservations? We need to fight for reservations in Private sector, which is a family enterprise of some upper caste businessmen?

Quite a number of the senior officers do not disclose they are Dalit. They put on nama, kumkum, go to Tirupati. Do all sorts of pujas to please Brahmins. But no amount of eating Brahmin shit will please the rulers. In fact such cowardly fellows will be the first to be slaughtered.

Do you know that in Yajnas and Yagas it is only the tame animals like cow, sheep, lamb that are slaughtered and eaten? They don’t touch lion and tiger. Babasaheb was a lion. But we his children have become like pig, sheep, lamb. Read Babasaheb’s book, The Buddha & His Dhamma. The Budhism he propounded in it is different from the Budhism our people are following. When we go to Budhist functions. The Bhikkus at the conversion ceremony insist upon vegetarian food. Babasaheb was a meat-eater. Budha died out of eating pork. But our Budhists propagate vegetarianism. Shame on them. We dalits should eat what is required for us. We should fight against the ban on cow slaughter. How dare the brahmins deprive us of our food.

The Mahabodi soceity teaches brahmin buddhism. Beware of them. There is a powerful movement led by Brahmins and a Marwari Goenka to propagate Vipassana (meditation). But this again is not Babasaheb’s Budhism. Nobody has seen Babasaheb doing meditation or writing or speaking about meditation. All nonsense.Meditation is Brahmin Humbug. But many of our highly placed Dalit officials have fallen a prey to Vipassana.

Do you know that Budha was holding kadga (sword) and openly waging war against Brahmins? That is why the Brahmins killed Budhism and reduced it a non-violent, vegetarian stuff and our people have fallen a victim to this totally false Brahminical Budhism.

In other words our people have failed in taking the right path even in Budhism. And those couple of people who became Budhists are under the grip of Brahminism.

Women make half the world. The Dalit movement and the Ambedkar thoughts are confined only to men. Even in houses where Dalit Voice goes, only the men read it and then sleep. Their women visit Brahmin temples and influence their children in Hindu superstitions. Our Dalit women worship Hindu gods in their houses.

When a person calls himself an Ambedkarite and if he cannot influence his own wife, how can he influence the society? How can he transform his people?

Look at the Hindu terrorist party, RSS. They catch hold of only youth and women. That is how they grow and we become weak and weaker.

It is true that Truth is with us, justice is with us, history is with us, number is also with us. Yes.

Brahmins have nothing and yet they win because they have the right strategies and tactics. Ideology alone is not enough to win a battle. You need right strategies and tactics.

Babasaheb had given us the strategies and tactics — “Educate, Agitate, Organise”. But we by-heart and sing Thri Sarana blindly without understanding its meaning.

Dalit movement failed because of male domination. Keeping the youth and women out, we have cheated our Father and killed the Dalit movement.

Yet another serious problem, which virtually our entire community has completely missed its attention caught in the fierce current of the money-driven society operated by the Brahminical rulers. Thousands and thousands of starving Dalits and Tribals and even Backward Castes in Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, UP, Orissa etc. are rushing to big metro cities like Bombay, Bangalore, Delhi, Hyderabad etc. In these cities they do get two immediate relief. They get enough to eat, their hunger problem solved, and they are saved from the daily caste atrocities, abuses which are essential part of their village life.

But in their natural abode of their villages they were conscious of their caste as they lived in the midst of their caste people and formed part of their caste struggle. Once they moved to the urban jungle they forget their caste and join the millions of struggling “poor”. It is a long jump from “caste” to “class”, leading to total transformation in their mental make up. This is exactly what the Brahminical rulers want. And they succeeded in killing their caste anger and pushed them to the urban jungle of “class struggle”. From caste oppression to class exploitation. Brahmins love this because it is easier to dupe those singing the song of class struggle. We have the famous example of W. Bengal and Kerala where the Manuwadi marxists have killed the Dalit movement.

Then we have the menace of NGOs which is the total monopoly of the upper castes. As they get foreign funds, the Home Ministry packed with Brahmins are very careful that these funds do not fall into the hands of revolutionary sections. We have hardly any Dalit NGO in India. Most of the NGOs being upper caste, they make a song and dance of the Dalit movement and dupe the Dalits.

Today these NGOs have become a real menace to the Dalit movement as they are deeply involved in spotting the best Dalit male or female youth and recruiting them. Once our youth join the NGO, the fire in them is dead. They will no longer use the word “Dalit”. They are called “marginalised people”. Their entire vocabulary changes.

NGOs are a real menace, seriously engaged by the Brahminical rulers to destroy the last remaining Dalit movement. I found the menace very serious in Andhra Pradesh — diverting our people’s anger from issue to non-issue.

But in today’s money-driven society who is interested in Babasaheb’s thoughts? Will it bring money? Will it bring power? No.

In the absence of both money and power — twin craze that is driving today’s society — I find a bleak future for our people. Babasaheb taught us about the value-driven society. But today that society is dead.

V.T. Rajshekar, The Second Partition of India?— Sunset on Dalit World, DSA-2000.

V.T. Rajshekar, Brahminism Swallowing Ambedkarite Movement?, DSA-1999.


Comments (251)

Reservations for everyone

The upper castes are screaming that reservations are against merit. Merit my foot. Reservations means equitable distribution of resources and oppurtunities for all the different castes. Thats why our teacher V.T. Rajashekar has said that we should streghthen our caste identity. Every caste is a nation and it should demand its share. If your caste is 1 percent of the population you get 1 percent share in educational institutions and jobs. This is the magic of Babasaheb. But upper caste people who are controlling all the resources and jobs are opposing reservations. Can anyone be more inhuman than these upper caste people. they shout about merit and marks. Just because a person get 80 percent or 90 percent why should they get a seat for a medical college. If a Dalit gets 50 percent considering all the oppression that has happened to the dalits ssince the last 5000 years this is as good as 95 %. But upper caste fellows never understand this. They understand only what they want to understand.

We at Dalit Nation are proposing to all the dalits to have their caste name before their name. Like if your name is Siddharth and your caste name is Dhobiwale, then call yourself Dhobiwale Sidhharth. We need to strenghten our caste identities. Thats the way to go if we need to be peaceful and prosperous.

We are also trying to bring the plight of Dalits in front of the US congress and the UN. It is time the world knows about the oppressed black dalits of India. This is the worst racism and we wont tolerate this anymore. Let us go all over the world and tell this. We need to work closely with the western and middle organizations now. Our well wisher the great Gail Omvedt discussed with us in a recent seminar in Nagpur on the synergetic relationship that can be developed by uniting the Church and the Dalits. It will also gives us enormous funds as well coverage. The world is still a humane place only because of people like our sister Gail Omvedt.

We dont beleive reservations for only Dalits. We beleive in reservations for everyone.Equal representations for all castes.

Comments (119)

Kancha Ilaiah – Why I am not a Hindu

Kancha Ilaiah’s book ‘why I am not a Hindu’, should be made a textbook in all the colleges and universities all over the world. This is the most highly scholarly book on religion. Even Bertrand Russel’s book ‘Why I am not a christian’  is nothing in comparison because Bertrand russell was very superficial. Christianity is a great religion and Bertrand russel gives superficial reasons about why he is not a christian. Bertrand Rusel was also influenced by zionists. There is enough proof on that and we at Dalit Nation are doing research  and will be publishing a paper soon.

When the editor first read Kancha Iliah, immediately we realised that this book is next only to Dr. Ambedkar’s ‘Annhilation of caste’. But it is also different because Kancha talks of his experiences as a Kuruma the shepherd caste. How the shepherds had so much knowledge of different ways to breed and look after sheep. The Brahmins know nothing of all this. Yet they rule the people. Since the editor is also from the weaver caste we can understand and sympathise with Kancha iliaiah.

How brahmins have taken away our gods is still a shame. When pocchamma’s festivals are celebrated how we dalits sacrifice and offer what we love to eat. We sacrifice buffalos and sprinkle the blood of the buffalos and cook them and eat them. We also drink toddy and sing and dance all night. Why should we dalits learn the classical music popularised by these brahmins. All their arts like bharatanatyan and classical music has only survived because of the Devadasis. The uncultured brahmins dont even know how to sing and dance properly and they call us uncultured. They offer bananas and coconuts to their gods but our gods need meat. Because our gods eat what we dalit bahujans eat. The barbaric brahmins wants to prevent us from sacrificing animals. They want to kill our culture. The brahmins dont know that they were also meat eaters 2000 years ago. They became vegetarian only to conquer Buddhists. The Buddhists were fooled by newly converted vegetarian Brahmins and thought that they are non violent and slowly Brahmins absorbed Buddhists. The Brahmins can go to any extent even change their diet to enjoy their monopoly. The brahmins have also influenced the christian missionaries to preach against animal sacrifice. Shame on them.

In Kancha’s childhood he never saw any Brahmin children in the fields. There were only his own caste people. Where were these brahmin children at that time. They were probably hiding in their houses eating food all the time and chanting the stupid mantras. The brahmins have no contact with nature. They dont touch mud and dont know anything about plants and animals. Still they call themselves intelligent. Kancha has clearly exposed the Brahmins with regards to sex education. The Brahmins never talk of sex in their homes. They act as if sex does not exist. The brahmin children have no clue about sex unlike we dalits. As dalits we are taught sex education in our houses but for Brahmin children they dont even know about birds and bees.

Brahmins also treat their own children as untouchable. Brahmin mothers dont touch their own children and brahmin mothers also dont love their children. What a horrible people these brahmins are. Kancha clearly exposes all these things. The world should know these things. How the brahmin treats women and widows are so inhuman. They just light a fire and burn the widows after the death of the husband. Why are they not booked for murder when they do this.

Kancha completely exposes the gods of the brahmins, even the godess of learning saraswathi is an illiterate. How come brahmins dont allow woment to study. Their gods are all violent rama who killed dalits like shambuka and the ravana. Krishna who was a master of deceit. Krishna also studied chanakya’s arthashastra and vatsyayana’s Kamasutra. He mastered them.

The brahmin gods are all symbols to destroy the oppressed. The brahmans say ‘aham brahmasmi’ which means everything belongs to me. Why should we give everything to brahmins our women, the products from the toil. The bagvad gita and upanishads are books which will put  mein kampf to shame. Bagvad Gita asks the upper caste pandavas to kill their cousins the lower caste kauravas. Kancha clearly exposes the hypocrisy of the Mahabharatha.

These books like Bhagavad Gita should be banned. Even people who discovered atom bomb were influenced by bhagwad gita. All of them were jews. Einstien and Opphenhiemer were influenced by bhagvad gita. They are extremely dangerous books and they used it to kill millions of people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. The Japanese should ask compensation from the Brahmins and Jews because it is they who created the destruction of the two cities.

The brahmin manu created the manusmrithi and without any political power the brahmins ruled us. Even when muslims and the british were ruling india the brahmins were ruling us. Surely they are extremely crafty. The most cunning people on earth. They dont own lands and they dont have power all they know is some mantras and then they mesmerize people and rule them. Kancha surely exposes all of them.

Their time is coming to an end. We dalit bahujans are now coming together and with sister mayavathi is now the chief minister of UP. She will be the prime minister of India in the next elections. We dalits should stop reading all the other nonsense these brahmins and their media talk about and read Kancha’s book. It will surely make you understand how evil the hindu religion is. Like Kancha we at Dalit Nation are also closely working with the Christian Missions. We should not waste the funds that we get for personal things but use them to destroy Hinduism. Because only then we can have peace and justice. How long can this atrocities continue.

This books should be read by everyone and it should be given the Nobel prize. But the Nobel prize is completely controlled by the zionists. The hypocrites will never give Nobel Prize to Kancha Ilaiah.

Comments (208)

Why Babasaheb Converted to Buddhism

Many forests of paper has been spent in trying to find out why Babasaheb Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar converted to Buddhism and not to Islam or Christianity.  We at Dalit nation have done research for 22 years on this subject. Babasaheb loved islam and loved  Christianity also. They were his object of admiration all the time. But Babasaheb knew that without both the help of christianity and islam we could never defeat Hinduism. Babasaheb knew it very well. If Babsaheb had become muslim then we would have the christian against us and same thing if he had become christian the muslims would be against Babasaheb. Babsaheb then disvcovered Buddha. This buddha is not the Buddha created by Brahmins. But the real buddha. The brahmins had swallowed up Buddhism and ascribed to him all the qualities he did not preach. They taught meditation and non violence. But Babasaheb was the first person to show the world that Buddha was a social revolutionary and not a meditative non voilent saint. This is what the Brahmin pervesion had made buddhism into. Babasaheb hence converted all of us into real Buddhists. Because real Buddists beleive in equality which Hindu caste system does not. Even Islam and Christianity beleives in equality. Therefore they are all the same religions. Look at the genius of Ambedkar. He knew all the schemes and tacticts of Brahmins. Now Brahmins have no option. Babsaheb hats off to you, you have cornered them and they have nowhere to go. Jai Bhim

Comments (67)

Dalits, Muslims and Christian should Join hands

Its time for the Dalits, Muslims and Christian to join hands so that  this evil called Hinduism is destroyed once and for all. India will become a nation only after that. Till then treat every caste as a nation. Read the books of the most intelligent person in this country after Babasaheb V.T.Rajashekar. He is the main inspiration for the dalit nation. We Dalits cannot stand it any longer. The Muslims and Christians should understand babasaheb. We should all join hands now and throw the brahmin oppressors. Jai Bhim

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